
Sunday 26 February 2017

Warning Signs That Your Boiler Needs Repair

The durability of a gas boiler mostly depends on how it’s maintained. A well-maintained gas boiler can last between ten to fifteen years. It is however pretty obvious that nothing lasts a life-time and therefore things have to be replaced and repaired every now and then. Gas boiler owners therefore need to be aware of impending signs of boilers about to fail. The old age of gas boilers is definitely one of the factors you have to consider.

Burners producing a luminous flame, yellow in colour rather than a non-luminous flame which is blue in colour indicate danger because this could result in carbon monoxide poisoning which has unpleasant health repercussions like nausea and a feeling of a light head. Boiler services can come in handy. Contact an expert that offers boiler repair in Oldham which provide quick response, free calls and quotes and 24 hour services which is very reliable when it comes to emergency cases. They are experts and well experienced in gas installation, maintenance and repair services so you can be certain that the job will be done properly.

A gas boiler which is slower than usual and takes a while to heat up may call for a replacement with a new model or a repair where necessary. Another thing to be worried about is the presence of soot on or around the gas boiler. It could be an indication of a fault, ageing or reduced performance.

Strangely noisy and rumbling gas boilers call for repair too. Another red flag is a pilot light that keeps popping out hence requiring a replacement. The smell indicates a production of carbon monoxide or a leaking gas pipe. If you need help with this, contact a plumber Preston or Oldham homeowners work with. These plumbers offer 24 hour emergency services and specializes in repair of leaking or clogged pipes which would be helpful in case of such an occurrence. This will be essential for maintaining and repairing your gas boiler for maximum performance.

The list is not exhaustive as a declining energy efficiency and odour emission are warning signs too. Outrageously huge fuel bills and gas boilers that don’t warm up the house as well as they did before should also be of concern. In regard to all these warning signs, you as a homeowner needs to find and work with a renowned and reputable boiler repair service company or a plumbing company to ensure that your boiler will function the way it should be.

Should You Repair or Replace Your Gas Boiler at Home?

There are many instances wherein you will have to decide whether you should have your boiler replaced or repaired. Here are some instances you should take note of:

If you have had your gas boiler in your home for 10-15 years, you may want to assess its safeness and efficiency. Old boilers will not be able to heat your home as effectively and can be causing danger to your family through carbon monoxide secretions. Also, if you find that you are having to call out a gas engineer quite frequently, that may be a sign that a replacement would be more cost-effective rather than having regular check-ups.

Old boilers are bound to cost you more on your service bills as they will be weaker and less able to deliver the high quality and powered results that newer models do. Also, simply through the means of improvements, newer models of boilers tend to be more efficient than older ones. So even if your boiler has not lost its efficiency, you may get more out of a newer model and save on your household bills in the long run. Newer models also have temperature control devices which can help you monitor how much heat you may be using and adjust it accordingly, thus improving its efficiency and lowering costs to you.

If your boiler has been going for a while and is outside of warranty, you may need to consider the possibility of replacing it. A boiler that has been serviced a number of times will probably not last until the next year so to avoid a sudden inconvenience, sort the issue out before it is too late by relying on a professional boiler repair and installation across Manchester.

Some people do not mind buying replacement parts and trying to repair particular components of a boiler or even the whole thing, but professional servicing is always the safest option to avoid undetected gas omissions.

Possible accidents can happen if home owners decide to take matters into their own hands, even if they believe they can manage the replacement or repair job. Do not hesitate to contact us for your upgrade. Professionals will always do the repair or replacement better so it is always better to go down that route.